Resultados: 4

Percentual de utilização de instrumentais em procedimentos cirúrgicos

Objetivo: analisar o percentual de instrumentais cirúrgicos que compõem a caixa de laparotomia exploradora e não são utilizados durante as cirurgias. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa, que contabilizou instrumentais constituintes da caixa de laparotomia exploradora ut...

Risk classification priorities in an emergency unit and outcomes of the service provided

ABSTRACT Objective: to check the association of the proposed priorities of the institutional protocol of risk classification with the outcomes and evaluate the profile of the care provided in an emergency unit. Method: observational epidemiological study based on data from the computerized files of a R...

Pain, health perception and sleep: impact on the quality of life of firefighters/rescue professionals

Objective: to evaluate the quality of life of firefighters and rescue professionals, and characterize their socio-demographic, health, work and lifestyle profile. Methods: cross-sectional study that used a socio-demographic, lifestyle, health, work data questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF quality of life a...

Assessment and risk classification protocol for patients in emergency units

OBJECTIVE: to develop, validate the contents and verify the reliability of a risk classification protocol for an Emergency Unit. METHOD: the content validation was developed in a University Hospital in a country town located in the state of Sao Paulo and was carried out in two stages: the first with the ...